Install Dooing


Dooing is a minimalist todo list manager for Neovim, designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. It provides a clean, distraction-free interface to manage your tasks directly within Neovim. Perfect for users who want to keep track of their todos without leaving their editor.




    Getting started with LazyVim

    { "atiladefreitas/dooing", config = function() require("dooing").setup({ -- your custom config here (optional) }) end, }

    Check the default configs

    { -- Core settings save_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/dooing_todos.json", -- Window settings window = { width = 55, -- Width of the floating window height = 20, -- Height of the floating window border = 'rounded', -- Border style padding = { top = 1, bottom = 1, left = 2, right = 2, }, }, -- To-do formatting formatting = { pending = { icon = "○", format = { "icon", "notes_icon", "text", "due_date", "ect" }, }, in_progress = { icon = "◐", format = { "icon", "text", "due_date", "ect" }, }, done = { icon = "✓", format = { "icon", "notes_icon", "text", "due_date", "ect" }, }, }, quick_keys = true, -- Quick keys window notes = { icon = "📓", }, scratchpad = { syntax_highlight = "markdown", }, -- Keymaps keymaps = { toggle_window = "<leader>td", new_todo = "i", toggle_todo = "x", delete_todo = "d", delete_completed = "D", close_window = "q", undo_delete = "u", add_due_date = "H", remove_due_date = "r", toggle_help = "?", toggle_tags = "t", toggle_priority = "<Space>", clear_filter = "c", edit_todo = "e", edit_tag = "e", delete_tag = "d", search_todos = "/", add_time_estimation = "T", remove_time_estimation = "R", import_todos = "I", export_todos = "E", remove_duplicates = "<leader>D", open_todo_scratchpad = "<leader>p", }, calendar = { language = "en", icon = "", keymaps = { previous_day = "h", next_day = "l", previous_week = "k", next_week = "j", previous_month = "H", next_month = "L", select_day = "<CR>", close_calendar = "q", }, }, -- Priority settings priorities = { { name = "important", weight = 4, }, { name = "urgent", weight = 2, }, }, priority_groups = { high = { members = { "important", "urgent" }, color = nil, hl_group = "DiagnosticError", }, medium = { members = { "important" }, color = nil, hl_group = "DiagnosticWarn", }, low = { members = { "urgent" }, color = nil, hl_group = "DiagnosticInfo", }, }, hour_score_value = 1/8, }
    Made inbrazil flagwithheart